[TC] Friendly Captcha

The add-on adds a new type of CAPTCHA.

Overview Russian description Releases (2) Discussion

The add-on adds a new type of CAPTCHA: Friendly Captcha.

  • Site key
  • API key
  • API version
    • Friendly Captcha V1
    • Friendly Captcha V2 (in early preview)
  • API endpoint
    • Global
    • EU
  • Activation mode
    • None
      CAPTCHA will be activated automatically. The user will need to click on the CAPTCHA.
    • Auto
      The CAPTCHA will be activated as soon as it is created.
    • Focus
      The CAPTCHA will be activated as soon as the form above it is focused.

Extra information:
  • CAPTCHA form row (V1).png
    CAPTCHA form row (V1).png
    27 KB · Views: 96
  • CAPTCHA form row (V2).png
    CAPTCHA form row (V2).png
    17.3 KB · Views: 97
  • User registration options.png
    User registration options.png
    340.5 KB · Views: 78

Product Information

[TC] Friendly Captcha
PHP 7.1+ XenForo 2.1+
XenForo version
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
  3. 2.3
Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information

1 Year
10.00 €
Renewal cost
8.50 €
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